La Larr Ba MTB Park

La Larr Ba Gauwa Park is a world class mountain bike park at Harcourt in Central Victoria. It includes 34 kilometres of mountain bike trails.


Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

Project Scope
Event Safety & Traffic Management Plan / Event Management Guidelines

Project Summary
La Larr Ba Gauwa Mountain Bike Park (the Park) opened in March 2018 and instantly attracted events by local mountain bike clubs. The activity of events of various sizes and scope in the public space prompted the need for a public safety review and the development of guidelines for event management for future event organisers. We conducted a review of event activity and provided a comprehensive framework for event organisers to follow for the safe and controlled delivery of events at all scales.


Our goal was to create user-friendly event management guidelines to be used for all scales of event.

For this project, an event safety strategy and event management guidelines was developed for public events of all scales at the La Larr Ba Mountain Park. Our intention was to present our recommendations in a user-friendly format that all event planners could understand and use when developing their events. Our Guidelines for Event Management covered four main areas:

• Event Staffing

• Event Communications

• Emergency Management

• Traffic Management

Rachella Thomas

Event Consultant & Coach | Major Events Specialist | Founder of Event Kit - Event Planning Templates


Seaworks Precinct


La Trobe Visitor Sites