La Trobe Visitor Sites

Toorongo Falls Reserve and Coopers Creek Campground are popular recreation sites that attract thousands of people during peak holidays.


Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

Project Scope
Event Safety / Traffic Management Plan

Project Summary
The ever-increasing popularity of Toorongo Falls Reserve and Coopers Creek Campground has prompted the need for a public safety review and the development of a Recreation Site Visitor Safety Plan. We conducted a detailed review of events and public activity at each recreation site and provided a comprehensive framework for venue managers to follow for the safe and controlled management of the general public during peak periods such as Christmas, Easter and public holidays.


Our goal was to develop a site-specific visitor safety strategy and action plan for risk management.

For this project, an event safety strategy and risk management implementation plan was developed for the two most attended recreation sites in the Latrobe District. The focus of the strategy covered times of the year that attracted major public gatherings, such as Christmas, Easter and public holidays.

Site-specific issues were assessed in a detailed Recreation Site Risk Assessment via information gathered from Forest Officer and Authorised Officer reports, visitor traffic data, community feedback, site visit observations. A staged implementation plan was developed for action from 2022-2026.

Rachella Thomas

Event Consultant & Coach | Major Events Specialist | Founder of Event Kit - Event Planning Templates


La Larr Ba MTB Park